Our Green Policy
Natural is more than just a word to us, it's a way of life. We care about our environment and all the benefits that it gives us, in return we feel we should help preserve it. All our products are made with the minimum of equipment to reduce our carbon footprint.
We try to ensure our ingredients are sourced as locally as possible, whilst we recognise this is not always possible, for example, Manuka Honey can only currently come from New Zealand, we are regularly talking to suppliers and local producers to try and reduce the travel time for our ingredients.
The packing chips we use are recyclable and made from potato starch, they are not very tasty but are great for the environment! Our cardboard boxes can be reused and recycled and the mailing bags we use can be broken down easily for recycling.
We take great care to ensure that we use the minimum amount of packaging for our products, the vast majority of our products have no external packaging other than the pot/bottle they are in, the only "outer" packaging we use is our soaps which is made from recycled cardboard. This is used to protect the soap to ensure it arrives with you as it should.
Many of our customers tell us that they reuse the pots our products are in, handy for storing stationary, nuts, bolts and much more.
When we receive supplies in the post, we reuse as much of the packaging material as we can, for example, shredded paper, bubble wrap etc.
Once you've finished with your product you are more than welcome to return the empty pots to us which we will reuse or recycle.
Most of our pots and bottles are recyclable and will be either PET or HDPE plastic, at the moment plastic remains the best material for us to use to ensure our products reach you in optimum condition, we are constantly reviewing this and exploring new options as they enter the market.
You can use your normal household recycling for the pots and bottles but if you have any issues with this then please contact us, we can take them and ensure they are dealt with appropriately.
If you are unable to recycle any of our pots and bottles, you are welcome to post them to our factory shop and we will recycle them for you. We will also provide you with a 10% discount on your next order as a token of our appreciation.
Going forward
We have started using other materials in packaging, such as metal on some of our hand creams and we no longer wrap our soaps in plastic. We are always looking at new materials we can use.
We are always looking at ways to decrease our impact on the local and global environment, if you have any ideas, suggestions or even criticisms then please do not hesitate to contact us.